- Sustainability Rating Systems Consultancy
- Green Star (Green Building Council of Australia)
- NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System)
- NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme)
- WELL Building Standard (International WELL Building Institute)
- LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) (US Green Building Council)
- EnviroDevelopment Consultancy (Urban Development Institute of Australia)
- Climate Active Carbon Neutral (Australian Government)
- Infrastructure Sustainability (Infrastructure Sustainability Council)
- Building Physics
- Dynamic energy performance modelling
- Solar access, shading, daylight & glare modelling
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling
- Indoor and outdoor thermal comfort modelling
- Pedestrian wind modelling
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Advisory
- Floth provides a real and tangible value add to the ‘E’ and ‘S’ parts of ESG. As sustainability consultants, we cover a wide range of environmental performance enhancements for diverse projects or investments including:
- Carbon Positive Strategy
- Climate Adaptation and Resilience
- Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Benchmarking
- Clean Renewable Energy Technologies
- Water Use Minimisation and Recycling
- Whole Building Life-Cycle Assessment
- Waste Recycling Assessment
- Circular Economy Transition
- With the advent of a more people-centric approach to design and place-making, Floth has developed its ‘S’ capability in the development and operations of building assets. We advise on:
- Responsible Sourcing of Materials
- Health and Safety in Building Services
- HVAC Strategies for Air-borne Disease Mitigation
- Indoor Environment Quality Assessment and Enhancement
- Floth provides a real and tangible value add to the ‘E’ and ‘S’ parts of ESG. As sustainability consultants, we cover a wide range of environmental performance enhancements for diverse projects or investments including: